96 days until the first Queercation Tattoo Conference


QueercationTattoo.com March 20-23, 2023 Sante Fe NM

Queercation Tattoo ConferenceTattoo conferences have always been a great place to share knowledge, build community, and get inspired! For queer people, however, it can be a challenge to enter spaces or events that are free from harassment, stigma, hostile opinions, or unsolicited questions about ourselves. Therefore, we have created a committee of queer, diverse tattooers, and/or people in the industry, who are creating the first Queer and Ally Tattoo Conference, in order to provide affirming space in which to learn, share, create and foster community. Queercation is a tattooers’ conference which will offer seminars on art and tattooing practices by queer and ally tattooers. Seminars and panels will be provided by talented, professional industry people on topics such as history, health and safety standards, and issues such as colorism in tattooing. Additionally, there will be regional excursions and nightlife entertainment.  

Queercation Tattoo Conference - Sante Fe

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Amplifying positive Tattooers so they can leave the longest lasting impact possible