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TattooNOW Network News

From Tattooing to Custom Sneakers: Thom Bulman's Journey of Creative Entrepreneurship

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals reassessed their career paths and explored new avenues for creative expression and entrepreneurship. Thom Bulman, a 17-year veteran tattoo artist, embarked on a remarkable journey of transition, moving from the world of tattooing to establishing his own custom sneaker brand, Bull Airs. In this interview, Thom candidly shares his experiences, challenges, and triumphs in navigating this transition and building a thriving business in the custom fashion industry.

A Desire for Change

For Thom, the decision to transition from tattooing to custom sneaker design stemmed from a desire for change and the uncertainty surrounding the future of tattooing amidst the pandemic. Faced with the possibility of another shutdown and grappling with the need to make real decisions about his career, Thom saw an opportunity to channel his artistic talents into a new venture that combined his love for pop culture with his passion for creating wearable art.

Scaling Up and Overcoming Challenges

Transitioning from a hobby to a full-fledged business presented its own challenges for Thom. From scaling up production to outsourcing manufacturing to China, Thom navigated the complexities of establishing a new brand in the competitive custom shoe market. Legal issues such as licensing and cease and desist orders added another layer of complexity, requiring Thom to strategize and adapt to ensure the success of Bull Airs.

The Creative Process and Vision for the Future

Despite the challenges, Thom remains deeply passionate about the creative process and his company's potential for growth and innovation. He emphasizes the importance of balancing creativity with business acumen while also envisioning Bull Airs as a recognized and respected brand in the custom shoe industry. With a focus on identifying niche markets, filling voids, and delivering unique offerings, Thom is poised to continue pushing boundaries and expanding his creative horizons.


Thom Bulman's journey from tattooing to custom sneaker design is a testament to the resilience and creativity of artists in the face of adversity. Thom has carved out a distinctive path in fashion entrepreneurship by embracing change, overcoming challenges, and staying true to his artistic vision. As he continues to evolve and grow Bull Airs, Thom inspires others to pursue their passions and explore new opportunities for creative expression.


In an ever-changing world, Thom Bulman stands as a beacon of innovation and determination, reminding us that with passion and perseverance, anything is possible.


Learn More: 

Business and Mindset: Side Hustle Gone Wild Thom Bulman EP 279

submitted on 05.08.24

Exploring the Fusion of Art and Science in the Tattoo Industry: A Conversation with Aaron Williams

In tattooing, where artistry meets precision, innovation is often the key to unlocking new realms of possibility. Aaron Williams, co-owner of Tattcom and a seasoned machinist and engineer, is at the forefront of this fusion of art and science. His relentless pursuit of enhancing tattooing technology has led to groundbreaking advancements to empower tattoo artists and elevate the industry.

A Journey of Exploration and Innovation

Aaron's journey into the world of tattoo technology began with a passion for both engineering and tattooing. Over the years, he found himself drawn to the intersection of these two seemingly disparate fields, recognizing the untapped potential for improvement and innovation.

His early experimentation with rotary tattoo machines sparked a curiosity that eventually evolved into a mission to revolutionize the tools of the trade. Through Tattcom, Aaron sought to bridge the gap between traditional tattooing practices and modern technological advances, offering tattoo artists newfound freedom and consistency in their craft.

Unraveling the Physics and Engineering of Tattoos

In a recent conversation with Jake Meeks, Aaron delved deep into the intricacies of tattoo science and technology. From dissecting the dynamics of tattoo machine motors to exploring the nuances of needle cartridge design, no stone was left unturned in their quest for understanding.

One of the key topics of discussion was the concept of "bog" in tattoo machines, referring to the slowing down of the machine in response to resistance from the skin. Aaron's insights shed light on how different types of machines produce varying bog levels, influencing the tattooing experience and, ultimately, the outcome on the skin.

From Theory to Practice: Applying Knowledge to Artistry

Beyond theoretical discussions, Aaron emphasized the practical implications of their research and findings for tattoo artists. By understanding the relationship between hand speed, machine speed, and voltage, artists can unlock new levels of control and consistency in their work.

Through meticulous testing and experimentation, Aaron and his team are paving the way for a more informed and efficient approach to tattooing. Whether optimizing machine performance or fine-tuning needle configurations, their efforts aim to empower artists to achieve their creative vision with precision and confidence.

Embracing Innovation for a Brighter Future

As the tattoo industry continues to evolve, embracing innovation and technology is paramount. Aaron's advocacy for increased research in tattoo technology reflects a broader movement toward elevating the standards and practices within the industry.

By fostering collaboration between engineers, artists, and researchers, we can unlock new insights and possibilities that will shape the future of tattooing. Through platforms like Tattcom and initiatives like Tattoo Therapy at Texas Tech, the path towards a more advanced and enlightened era of tattooing is steadily unfolding.


In the dynamic world of tattooing, the marriage of art and science holds infinite promise. Aaron Williams, with his relentless pursuit of innovation and his unwavering dedication to advancing tattoo technology, embodies this spirit of exploration and progress.

As we continue to unravel the mysteries of tattoo science and engineering, let us forge ahead with curiosity, creativity, and collaboration. Together, we can push the boundaries of what's possible and usher in a new era of excellence in tattooing.

Join the conversation and embrace the journey towards a brighter, more innovative future for the tattoo industry.

This article was made possible thanks to the invaluable insights and contributions of Aaron Williams and Jake Meeks.

Learn More: 

Tattoo Science: Power Supplies and Needle Depth Aaron Williams EP 262

submitted on 05.08.24

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Columbus OH 43219
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Hancock MA 01237
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