
My name is Chuck Day. I am the owner of Nine Dot Studio in Burlington Iowa and have been tattooing for 9 years. I studied painting and print making at Western Illinois University.

My most recent (tattoo) work has been based in illustrative realism , focusing on making tattoos that look more like my sketches,often using geometric lines and shapes to add structure. Birds, flowers,insects,moths and other critters are umong my favorite subjects to tattoo. I am well known for my colorful geotraditional pieces but have had a growing fondness for tattooing graphic black images.

Although I still love oil paint, Micron pen and acrylic ink on watercolor paper is what I am working with currently. I have done a lot of geoanatomical pieces in the last two years, merging anatomical bone and skeletol drawings with the geometric structure I see in the subject. What started as a small series has become an aesthetic I am still working hard to develop.



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