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Tattoos » Page 1 » Fibonacci sequence
By Chris Oppenheim

Manic Tattoos
Parkville MD, 21234

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- (443) 864-9477
The fibonacci sequence is a reoccuring set of numbers which can be seen in certain natural patterns. It was discovered by Leonardo of Pissa, better known as Leonardo Fibbonaccci. The sequence states that each number is the sum of the two prior numbers (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,24........). The sequence appears in natural settings such as the spiral of shells, the curve of waves, and the arrangement of a pine cone. In this tattoo the examples used are the smallest and largest forms of the sequence, the spiral of the DNA strand and the galaxy swirl. The portrait is of a stone statue of Leonardo Fibbonaci. This will eventually be expanded into a full sleeve. Countless hours of research had gone into this tattoo before a needle touched skin. The portrait was done with a 23 mag. For more info on the Fibbonacci sequence visit

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